Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount

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 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
Image 1 of 23
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model
 Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount  3d model

Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon Vertical Stand Wall Mount


Wall Mount for Vertical Stand available for Lego 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon.

Designed a wall mount for use with a modified Vertical Lego stand available for the 75192 UCS Falcon. (Search for Efferman Vertical Stand here, or amazon link for the knock off here)

Stand working well now after finally building the Falcon set and mounting it. Saves a bit or space as doesn't protrude out as much as an angled display. Set seems to be mounted very firmly with no issues. Have updated post with pictures of the Falcon mounted.

Minor modification required to rear legs of stand, no additional pieces required only change in layout. Removes rear two feet pieces and alterations to support framework. All changes shown in pictures. This modification was to save some space and display the Falcon at a slightly more upright angle. (Changes by about 20 degrees)

Print two of the wall mounts and mount securely to wall, 2x screw holes in each mount. Vertical Stand sits snugly into mount from above. Stand front foot piece aligns with wall mount cutout, and protruding nub sits in the gap in front of the front upright. Rear nub on wall mount sits into the hole in front of the rear upright.

Printed parts in PETG, mounts laying on their side on the print bed. Supports only required under Front Cut Out and Nubs. Used a 0.6 nozzle and 0.3mm layer height, 25% Infill and 6 shells all around. Recommend printing with a brim if you have any adhesion or warping issues.

Used some cable ties to tidy the USB cable running to the Falcon for the light kit so wrapped them around the stand and on to the support to be extra sure, but was mounted for several days without them with no issues.

5 Likes19 DownloadsSeptember 27, 2023