
The Phoenix Printer Test

The Phoenix Printer Test 3d model
The Phoenix Printer Test 3d model
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The Phoenix Printer Test

Explore the interactive Phoenix Printer Test 3D model on, created by designer Callme.Phoenix. This unique and functional 3D model is perfect for testing your 3D printer's quality and capabilities. The Phoenix Printer test model is skillfully designed for testing bed adhesion, overhangs, and dimensional accuracy, making it an invaluable asset for 3D printing enthusiasts and professionals alike.

The key feature of this model is its large 200mm x 200mm base. It is created specifically to check your printer's ability to adhere and level across the complete build plate, ensuring consistent print quality on all parts of the first layer. The Phoenix Printer Test stands out with its ability to test overhang abilities of printers. It provides large, varied angled overhangs at 0°, 10°, 20°, 30°, and 45°, measurements designed to demonstrate the limits of your printer before it requires support.

Finally, the Phoenix Printer Test model measures printers' dimensional accuracy with a center square designed to be 20mm x 20mm and 10mm tall. Should there be any discrepancies in sizes, it is a clear indication to adjust the E stepping settings of your printer.

Discover the Phoenix Printer Test 3D model to elevate the performance and quality of your 3D printer. Dive into the world of 3D modeling testing today and optimize your 3D printing capabilities. Enjoy designing, good luck, and have fun! :)

0 Likes1 DownloadsSeptember 8, 2024