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Collapsing Morningstar 3d model
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Collapsing Morningstar 3d model
Collapsing Morningstar 3d model
Collapsing Morningstar 3d model
Collapsing Morningstar 3d model

Collapsing Morningstar

Collapsing Morningstar Replaceable Handle Version

This version of the Morningstar screws together so the handle can be printed separately then inserted or replaced. The spikes are printed separately and are glued in place, to avoid supports. I used Gorilla Glue (aff.) to glue mine together. I printed the spikes in vase mode with a .4mm nozzle, .2mm layer heights, and a .9mm line width. You can always print them with infill if you wish. There is also a "dulll" spike which is rounded and not as sharp.

Supports are not required, for best results use a .4mm nozzle. You can print the blades all at once concentrically or one at a time in vase mode. Find detailed instructions on how to print collapsing swords on my website.

Printed on the Mulcore rep-rap IDEX printer.

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40 Likes94 DownloadsJanuary 16, 2024