Horned Cartoon Skull - Skull Decoration - by 3digiprints
0 downloads · 2 months ago · This was part of my challenge to sculpt for 30 hours in the month of October! I liked it so much tha
This was part of my challenge to sculpt for 30 hours in the month of October! I liked it so much that I worked on it a bit more and made it ready to print! I think it will make for great decorations or cosplay pieces. This model can and should be oriented and sized for your printer!
IMPORTANT: THIS MODEL WILL NEED SUPPORTS Layer Height .2 walls 2-3 Infill 25-45% Depends on if you use 2 or 3 walls (The model is big, and heavy will cause warping if there is not enough infill) Supports yes Tree Auto or tree manual
Enjoy printing this!!!