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Marcel H

Wire heart chain

Remix Model
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Wire heart chain 3d model
Wire heart chain 3d model
Wire heart chain 3d model
Wire heart chain 3d model
Wire heart chain 3d model
Wire heart chain 3d model
Wire heart chain 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
4 Likes16 DownloadsSeptember 23, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

❤️Fall in love with the Wire Art Heart for Chain!❤️ This digital template is perfect for creating a unique piece of jewelry that is sure to catch everyone's eye. With intricate wire detailing, this heart-shaped pendant is designed to be printed with a resin 3D printer. 💎The Wire Art Heart for Chain is a perfect DIY project for those who love to create their own jewelry or are looking for a personalized gift for someone special. 🎁💡Get creative and experiment with different colors and materials to make your Wire Art Heart for Chain truly one-of-a-kind.🌟With its delicate and intricate design, this pendant is perfect for everyday wear or special occasions.

💵For commercial printing subscribe to the "Free Membership"

4 Likes16 DownloadsSeptember 23, 2023

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
4 Likes16 DownloadsSeptember 23, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.