Floating Islands
Hey folks!
These are the Floating Islands, I'm really happy with this design as it came out exactly as I envisioned it :)
- There are 6 types of Islands with some variations - 2 smooth ones and 4 rocky ones for you to pick from.
- There is one main waterfall and a base which is the start of the structure and one pool which is the top of the structure
- There are many waterfalls with different alignments and each waterfall has really variations - Each waterfall name is the hour on the clock which represents the direction that the island will face. For example Modular_WF_2100 will face left just like the time :)
- Each part connects to the other and you have to use some glue to connect the parts but it's dummy proof :)
Islands: You have to use supports and I suggest you do not try to change the alignment, I used organic/tree supports and it worked great. Modular_Waterfalls: Supports are required ONLY for the bottom part - You can safely ignore any slicer advice that tells you it's required for the top part. Top_Water - requires supports Base_Waterfall - No supports required.
Scale and Stacking: You can **theoretically **stack as many islands as you want but you will have to balance the directions or it will flip. Also weight can be an issue if you are planning on stacking 10 of those :)
I'd go with 3 walls and 20% infill for the waterfalls so they are sturdy.