Wesley V

Candy cane fidget spinner

3D prints and gifts
Remix Model
3D prints and gifts
3D prints and gifts
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Candy cane fidget spinner 3d model
3D prints and gifts
3D prints and gifts
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Candy cane fidget spinner 3d model
Candy cane fidget spinner 3d model
Candy cane fidget spinner 3d model

Printing with a 0.4mm nozzle, 0.2 layer height and 10% infill. The cane comes in 2 pieces the straight part and the arc that screw together, and Only the arc part needs a little support. The spinner you can choose for 1 whole part or print in 2 parts if you want 2 color print, this can be glued together with little balls and holes as guidelines to fit them perfectly. Join my membership plan to get the rights to sell the prints (not the files) for as longs as you are a member.

17 Likes27 DownloadsOctober 6, 2023

17 Likes27 DownloadsOctober 6, 2023