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PhaThatLuang Medallion - Laos.stl 3d model
PhaThatLuang Medallion - Laos.stl

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PhaThatLuang Medallion - Laos.stl

3D Model design
3D Model design
3D Model design
3D Model design
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PhaThatLuang Medallion - Laos.stl 3d model
3D Model design
3D Model design
Image 1 of 5
PhaThatLuang Medallion - Laos.stl 3d model
PhaThatLuang Medallion - Laos.stl 3d model
PhaThatLuang Medallion - Laos.stl 3d model
PhaThatLuang Medallion - Laos.stl 3d model
PhaThatLuang Medallion - Laos.stl 3d model
PhaThatLuang Medallion - Laos.stl 3d model

PhaThatLuang Medallion - Laos.stl

Explore the detailed 3D model of the intricate Pha That Luang Medallion from Laos, brought to you by the designer at thangs.com. This stunning representation, rich with details, was designed for 3D printers and can be found under the "3D Printers/All" category. The precise modeling and depth of detail reflect the craftsmanship of Laotian artistry, making it an excellent print for cultural enthusiasts and 3D printing fanatics alike. The images provided offer multiple angles to appreciate the complexity of this model, showcasing its high-resolution rendering and intricate features. Discover and download for your own 3D printing needs and dive into a world of limitless creativity with thangs.com.

0 Likes0 DownloadsOctober 15, 2024