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flexi facehugger - print in place - fidget toy

timmy tombstone
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timmy tombstone
timmy tombstone
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flexi facehugger - print in place - fidget toy 3d model
flexi facehugger - print in place - fidget toy 3d model
flexi facehugger - print in place - fidget toy 3d model
flexi facehugger - print in place - fidget toy 3d model
flexi facehugger - print in place - fidget toy 3d model
flexi facehugger - print in place - fidget toy 3d model
flexi facehugger - print in place - fidget toy 3d model
4 Likes0 DownloadsFebruary 18, 2024

Discover our 3D Print-in-Place model - a captivating Flexi Fidget Facehugger. Designed by the innovative mind at timmy tombstone studios, this one of a kind model will fulfill your creative wishes. The Facehugger is a versatile and exciting toy that can be printed at your convenience from any standard 3D printers, including the Ender 3 or Elegoo Neptune.

This engaging print-in-place model requires no assembly, with all parts designed to move right off the printing bed, making it the perfect interactive piece. Whether you're printing it as a fascinating decorative piece or an engaging and functional fidget toy, the Flexi Facehugger is sure to impress with its lifelike detailing and flexible movements.

The scalable design allows for the model to be conveniently adjusted to fit your specific needs, be it larger models for serious play or smaller ones as unique desk accessories. Explore the visuals to catch a glimpse of this exceptional 3D model that adds a touch of extra fun and whimsy to the world of 3D printing.

Don't miss out on this Flexi Fidget Facehugger model on It adds a fantastic, fun-filled addition to any 3D printing project. Now is the perfect time to take your 3D printing adventure to the next level with this irresistible print-in-place model.

4 Likes0 DownloadsFebruary 18, 2024

4 Likes0 DownloadsFebruary 18, 2024