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Flexi Dolphin Key chain - print in place - articulated - flexi fidget toy

timmy tombstone
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timmy tombstone
timmy tombstone
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Flexi Dolphin Key chain - print in place - articulated - flexi fidget toy 3d model
Flexi Dolphin Key chain - print in place - articulated - flexi fidget toy 3d model
Flexi Dolphin Key chain - print in place - articulated - flexi fidget toy 3d model
Flexi Dolphin Key chain - print in place - articulated - flexi fidget toy 3d model
Flexi Dolphin Key chain - print in place - articulated - flexi fidget toy 3d model
Flexi Dolphin Key chain - print in place - articulated - flexi fidget toy 3d model
7 Likes24 DownloadsApril 24, 2024

let me know if the link on the tail needs to be stronger. It seems ok to me so far.

Discover a brand new twist on the popular Flexi Dolphin design. Intelligently engineered by designer Timmy Tombstone to feature an attached loop, this 3D model is perfect for evolving the playful dolphin design into a useful, and entertaining, keychain. As well as keeping your keys secure, this Flexi Dolphin creation doubles up as a fidget toy, providing both a practical solution and a source of amusement while on the go. Intricate articulation makes the dolphin toy come alive in your hands, with in your hands, with a print-in-place system ensuring seamless design. Dive into the world of Toys & Games with this multirole 3D model on that effortlessly combines fun and functionality. Perfect for 3D printing enthusiasts, toy collectors, marine enthusiasts or those just looking for a unique keychain design. Browse the visually appealing images of this 3D model and revel in the artistic genius behind this articulated Flexi Dolphin keychain - transforming everyday objects into works of art. So why wait?

7 Likes24 DownloadsApril 24, 2024

7 Likes24 DownloadsApril 24, 2024