Hornet and Grimm costers
We had been considering for some time adding a set of Hollow Knight coasters to our Etsy store, so we conducted various tests with characters from the saga.
For the store, we have decided to stick with the models of the Knight and the Shade, so we have decided to share Hornet's and Grimm's for you to enjoy if you like the video game.
All models are intended for those who do not have multimaterial prints, as they are designed for color changes in different layers. We have made two versions of Hornet (H), one with two colors and the other with three. Grimm's (G) version is with three colors:
Not much more to add, the settings are what we use as standard, if you have any questions leave them in the comments or by message (we don't always get notified of comments).
Printing settings:
Nozzle diameter: 0.4 mm Layer height: 0.25 mm
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To get access to exclusive designs or for a commercial license to sell the physical prints of the files, you can subscribe to our clubs (printables, thangs or patreon).