Modular Modeler jig for painting
16 downloads · 1 year ago · Various online projects adapted together to create a holding jib for painting 1/35 scale models.
Various online projects adapted together to create a holding jib for painting 1/35 scale models.
This 3 jaw chuck as been modified from original version to allow painting under the chuck while holding a tank touret.
- Select components from the "Modular Mounting System" (link below) as you like,
- use the Mount Camera v5.stl with a M5 bold to attach this 3 jaw chuck.
- it's a good idea to print the Sroll Plate with 'fuzzy Skin ' on the outside wall to offer better grip.
Original project
- 3 jaw chuck model:
- Modular Mounting System:
3 Likes16 DownloadsDecember 10, 2023