Matthew R

Home Depot (HDX) Plastic Shelving Feet and Cover

Remix Model
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Home Depot (HDX) Plastic Shelving Feet and Cover 3d model
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Home Depot (HDX) Plastic Shelving Feet and Cover 3d model
Home Depot (HDX) Plastic Shelving Feet and Cover 3d model
Home Depot (HDX) Plastic Shelving Feet and Cover 3d model
Home Depot (HDX) Plastic Shelving Feet and Cover 3d model
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Backstory Due to the height, I could not use all the shelves with the Home Depot (HDX) brand plastic shelves. It only came with one set of feet and covers, so I could not use my other shelves since the tubes go into the feet as part of the design. I used this as one of my first chances to start working on Moi3D.

Link to HDX Shelves Print Recommendations I printed it in PLA. I used a gyroid infill with a 15% infill. Print with the base flat on the bed. It is a reasonably easy print without many problems, so no support is required.

Hardware/Assembly Information The shelving feet require a little effort to put in the bottom holes. They should stay in the holes enough to place on the ground unless your printer isn't dialed in. The tubes barely catch with the inlays in them. Trying to get the exact dimensions for it to work required a lot of prototypes, it is pretty much functional for my needs, so I didn't put a ton of effort into that part, as it almost seems like it isn't needed in the design. The covers should pop in quickly and require some effort to remove.

Usage Recommendations The feet and the covers are around 42 mm around. The thickness of the inner circle is about 2 mm, and each inlay goes in roughly 1 mm, depending on how your printer prints.

I am not using much weight (mostly just some Rubbermaid-type containers with filament and misc. other stuff) with two shelves. Since weight is spread out onto the four feet, I suspect it may not matter much.

0 Likes2 DownloadsMarch 2, 2024

0 Likes2 DownloadsMarch 2, 2024
This model is restricted by licensing terms.