Parametric Bike Handle
This is a parametric handle for a bike. It can be easily be customizable in Autodesk Fusion 360, so it will fit every handlebar.
Modification instructions
- Open .f3d file in Fusion 360.
- Open Change Parameters window.
- Edit Diameter and Length values under Favorites parameters.
- Export created Bike Handle body as a mesh object.
Recommended print settings
- layer height: 0.2 mm
- infill: 10% gyroid
- perimeters: 2
- solid layers: 6
- avoid crossing perimeters: yes
- supports: no
Avoid crossing perimeters (combing) should be enabled to prevent unwanted stringing inside. Print it as it is - on the closed side.
For this kind of application, printing with TPU or other soft filaments is recommended.