#DIY #flashforge #thangs3d Cheap magnets is always weak and a pain to clean when it gathered some dust.(I also loose it a lot due to it falling always) This is a planning board magnet with magnets imbedded inside the 3d printed part itself. It offers easier handling of the magnets for your everyday school works. And because the magnet is embedded it is easier to clean the base of the print. Pause the print at layer 11 and insert the 6mmx4mmx1.5mm neodymium magnet inside then resume print. (Can be done trough the slicer software). The fit is adjust do that the magnet won't rattle inside but sits nicely and easy to place.
2 Likes4 DownloadsAugust 28, 2021
2 Likes4 DownloadsAugust 28, 2021