Akio Hinata - Tiefling Monk
The Infernal Heroes Kickstarter was pretty succesful and I am still proud of the designs I did and the sculpts that Nickey and I did for it but I have improved as a sculptor and mini designer since that project, so I decided to go back and make some adjustments to some of the models that would not only make for a more enjoyable experience for printing and painting at the popular smaller 28-32mm scales but also match the initial style I wanted for the project. Akio Hinata is our ideal vision of the male infernal/tiefling monk but could easily be used as a fighter, gladiator and several proxy replacements in many tabletop games and wargames. Concept was designed by Clute of Hack+Slash Minis, sculpted by Clute of Hack+Slash Minis and Nickey's Hatchery.