A robust and handy little garden shovel. The handle is split in two parts to be printed without support - while granting good ergonomics.
Versions included
- The two parts to be assembled with screws
- The two parts to be assembled with glue
- The two parts without the grip to be assembled with screws
- The two parts without the grip to be assembled with glue
recommended screws: 3,5 x 20 mm countersunk universal or wood screws alternatives that work, too: 4,0 x 20 mm; 3,0 x 20 mm; 3,5 x 25 mm; 3,0 x 25 mm; 4,0 x 25 mm The screw can be easily inserted with a hand screwdriver.
Size assembled: ca 290mm x 86 mm x 48mm
Print settings Required build volume: 220x220mm (the stls are already rotated by 45 degrees to fit) Material usage: 80g Print time: 8h
Material: PLA Print direction: stls are rotated correctly, check images Support: none Nozzle size: 0,4 mm Line width: 0,4 mm Layer height 0,2 mm Outer walls: 3 Infill: 15% Build plate adhesion type: none
14 Likes32 DownloadsJune 6, 2023