Door stop
103 downloads · 2 years ago · **A door stop that you can hang on the door handle when you do not need it without blocking the lock
A door stop that you can hang on the door handle when you do not need it without blocking the lock. It is flexible and locks under the door when you push it down with your foot.
Size: 20 x 40 (height) x 120 mm This is the V2
Print settings Required build volume: 20 x 40 x 120 mm Material usage: 11g Print time: 1h
Material: PLA Print direction: stls are rotated correctly, check images Support: none Nozzle size: 0,4 mm Line width: 0,4 mm Layer height 0,2 mm – 0,28 mm Outer walls: 3 Infill: 30% - or more if you want it to be less flexible Build plate adhesion type: none, if you have bed bad adhesion then a brim