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Monkey D Luffy (One Piece) Wanted Poster - Hueforge Print

Remix Model
Monkey D Luffy (One Piece) Wanted Poster - Hueforge Print 3d model
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9 Likes20 DownloadsSeptember 20, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

Print at 100% infill with a layer height of 0.04mm with a base layer of 0.16mm. I printed this with a 0.4 nozzle and a layer height modifier to slightly improve speeds of the first few base layers.

The STL is included in the .zip file because the file size was too big lol.

Filaments Used: - PLA Siddament Black Transmission Distance: 0.2 - PLA+ Sunlu Dark Gold Transmission Distance: 1.8 - PLA+ Sunlu Coffee Transmission Distance: 3 - PLA Sunlu Beige Transmission Distance: 8.2 - PLA META Sunlu White Transmission Distance: 9.6

Swap Instructions: - Start with Black - At layer #6 (0.36mm) swap to Dark Gold - At layer #11 (0.56mm) swap to Coffee - At layer #23 (1.04mm) swap to Beige - At layer #37 (1.6mm) swap to White for the rest.

9 Likes20 DownloadsSeptember 20, 2023

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
9 Likes20 DownloadsSeptember 20, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.