Ropelight star
This is a Christmas roppelight star for my Christmas display. To complete the full star, 5 each of the PointBaseFinal and the PointTipFinal needs to be printed as well as 1 mount. I've included the current Fusion project as well. The result is a model than holds 3 concentric stars of ropelight. The ropelight can be mounted to it using tie wraps. Additional holes were added to make this easier. I printed mine using a pretty course profile and a .8mm nozzle. It's a pretty long print when all is said and done but I wanted a specific look, so that's why it's modeled the way it is. At the connections I used super glue and a plastic welder. If anyone wants the specific model I got just ask. This combination makes a really strong joint and I don't expect any failures at those joints.