3 Likes13 DownloadsApril 20, 2022
Fun fidget toy made entirely of infill makes a great sound very satisfying
This is primarily done in the settings of your slicer. The instructions are with Cura slicer in mind, I'm not sure how it transfers to other slicers.
SCALE DIMENSIONS: recommended settings but anything goes -X/Y/Z: 111mm/111mm/10mm -or- 44mm/44mm/4
SHELL: rather the removal of the shell so the infill is naked -Top/Bottom Thickness: 0 -Top/Bottom Layers: 0 -Walls: Optional
INFILL: -Infill Line Distance: 1mm -Infill Pattern: Concentric (10mm gyroid with bb's for a rainstick) -Connect Infill Polygons: Yes/Check the Box
3 Likes13 DownloadsApril 20, 2022
3 Likes13 DownloadsApril 20, 2022