Direct Drive Bracket for Satsana Fan Duct & Dual Gear Extruder
Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at
I'm using a remixed Satsana fan duct that needed the remixed direct drive mount, but because I use a dual-gear extruder I needed to shift the motor bracket about 10mm toward origin.
Thanks to all the makers who provided the sources I use here. This is a rough remix and should be cleaned up a little, but after trying three brackets to get direct-drive running, I'm taking a little break while my printer is working well.
I printed in PETG, because that's what I had installed. The bracket has more flex than I would like, so I will use PLA+ next time.
Shoot me any questions, post your makes. I'll try to get some pictures of mine, but I printed in glossy black so it's hard to see or photograph.