Zesty T

CR-10 mount for the Nimble Sidewinder V1.1

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CR-10 mount for the Nimble Sidewinder V1.1 3d model
CR-10 mount for the Nimble Sidewinder V1.1 3d model
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Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2663204.

Use this mount to convert the CR-10 to a direct drive printer. It uses the Nimble Sidewinder and a E3D-V6 hot end to make the CR-10 direct drive so you can print flexible materials and print faster. The Nimble Sidewinder is a very light extruder system with the stepper mounted in the same place as the original.

There are two clamps to clamp the V6 hot end. One plain and one also contains a fan shroud for a bigger quieter fan. Pick the one you prefer.

Edit 1: Added files for the Sidewinder V1.1 The only difference between the two Sidewinder versions is, that V1.1 is mirrored. This worked much better in various adapters.

Edit 2: Oops! When switching over to V1.1 I didn't update the Clamp with the Fan shroud. Because the V6 moved a little closer to the carriage, I had to adjust. I have done so now. So all the files you see here marked V1.1 are the correct files.

Edit3: And added more clearance so the V6 would fit all the way inside. So use the V1.2 mount.

Edit 4: Added a mount that will allow you to put part cooling fans on the side, or a BL Touch mount. The rails allow the fans to be adjusted in height to get the right cooling. You can get the fan parts here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2554334 Little update. Thanks to Björn I modified the mount a little to give more space for the V6. Moved it 2 mm out.

The STL models are checked and optimised. The parts that need a different orientation to print properly are rotated to the preferred printing position.

The Nimble Sidewinder Extruder

With an installed weight of less than 30 grams on your carriage/effector the Zesty Nimble Sidewinder is smallest and lightest extruder you can buy, it has ample torque and can be mounted in multiple orientations.

The Nimble Sidewinder is available from Zesty Technology.

0 Likes2 DownloadsOctober 23, 2021

0 Likes2 DownloadsOctober 23, 2021
This model is restricted by licensing terms.