WearaBreadboard - Breadboard On Your Wrist
Have you ever looked at your wrist and thought "I'd love to build a circuit on that, but stabbing myself with jumpers might hurt?"
Fear not - With this wrist dingus, you can take your favorite medium-sized breadboard and stick it on your wrist. Perfect for prototyping smartwatches, wearable sensors, and rave candy!
Print each Breadboard Holder in rigid skin-safe plastic. Print the strap parts in any flexible skin-safe material. I used Inland PC for the former and 3D Solutech TPU for the latter.
Stick a 10mm bit of filament in each of the two holes on the sides, glue together, and use a straightened paper clip to attach the straps. Glue or tape your breadboard down, and start hacking your wrist!
I designed this whole project on a stream! Watch future stuff get made at https://twitch.tv/zackfreedman
This is my "entry" to the #HalloWearables contest! Not really though, I'm disqualified because it's my contest. I wrote that rule, too, so I feel pretty dumb right now.