Hextraction: The Auction Tile
Can I get a tile? Can I get another tile? SOLD! Wheel and deal with this glittering tile for Hextraction, the hackable 3D printable board game! This is tile 3 of 5 in Booster Pack 5: Equivalent Hex-Change.
One of the most common requests is a tile that lets you mess with an opponent's hand. This is my take - it forces each player to make an offer - after they see what's on the block. This opens tons of tricky strategies:
- Offer a weak tile to effectively reroll it
- Offer a strong tile to see what opponents are packing
- Offer a situational tile to see which opponents are most interested
- Disrupt opponents trying to assemble a combo
Note that you MUST accept one of the offers, and other players can't trade with each other!
The tile is all single-color prints - ideally, print the Top and Coin in something shiny, and the Bottom in something contrasting. Supports may be required. Glue the Top to the Bottom, and the Coin to the Top. The alignment pegs will help center them. Remember to print an extra Coin to put on the Card!
If you have a multicolor printer, drag the Card 2-Color files into your slicer together and select "single object with multiple parts." If you have a Bambu printer, use the pre-configured 3MF file. After printing the card, glue in the spare coin you printed earlier (...right?)
If you'd like to edit the tile, the source is here: https://a360.co/45cfJRb While you're free to re-distribute the tile outside Thangs' paywall, I'd like to ask that you at least modify it a bit. The more people buy a Booster Pack, the more time I can devote to the next one.