"Wild Card" V2 Talon+Katana Nerf Mag Adapter
This is a combination of models created by Captain Slug and MeakerIV. All have been released into the public domain.
This universal adapter lets you run pretty much any Nerf mag in pretty much any Nerf blaster. Whether you use Katanas or Talons, off-the-shelf or 3D-printed, this will lock them tight into your Caliburn or other full-length-dart blaster.
MeakerIV improved Slug's design with cutouts to allow mags' feed lips to flex over a closed bolt, beefed up the overinsertion stops, and trimmed it down to fit more brand-name blasters.
If you plan to run both Katanas and Talons, print KDetent, TDetent, TKRelease, and Wildcardv2.
If you only plan to use Katanas, print KDetent, KRelease, and Wildcardv2.
If you're all Talons all the time, print TDetent, TRelease, and Wildcardv2.
There are no instructions, but it's assembled similarly to the Talon Claw's magwell. Here are Slug's instructions: https://cdn.thingiverse.com/renders/27/f6/c7/4a/ca/15c9af059c3c19d39591f6217899e01d_display_large.jpg
I used this in my Caliburn Sniper video and it worked great! I used 1/8" shock cord.