Hercules Kabuterimon Tokusatsu Helmet
byWilatheroicstudiosFor everyone who has been hounding me for more Digimon/Tokusatsu mash ups, here's the next in the line. Herculeskabuterimon Kamen Rider helmet. I have been told that not making the main horn prominent enough would result in SHAME!, so enjoy impaling your enemies with it. Since Kabuterimon is an insectoid digimon, it was only fitting to run with a Kamen Rider Design. The eyes have digital circuitry embedded on it as a call back Izzy [Koshiro] knack for knowledge. The horns, of course, represent HerculesKabuterimon's massive horns and clenching mouth and the no mouth plate adds to the mystery of who is under the helmet.
I hope you enjoy it.