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Under-Desk Drawer V2 3d model
Under-Desk Drawer V2

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Alex P
Alex P

Under-Desk Drawer V2

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Under-Desk Drawer V2 3d model
Image 1 of 7
Under-Desk Drawer V2 3d model
Under-Desk Drawer V2 3d model
Under-Desk Drawer V2 3d model
Under-Desk Drawer V2 3d model
Under-Desk Drawer V2 3d model
Under-Desk Drawer V2 3d model
Under-Desk Drawer V2 3d model
Under-Desk Drawer V2 3d model

Under-Desk Drawer V2

commercial licenses will be accessible through my Patreon page, 'Vixvvo3D', at the affordable rate of $6 per month. I aim to consistently post and model new content on a weekly basis. Your support on https://patreon.com/Vixvvo3D is greatly appreciated!

This is a V2 version of the previous one I've made, this look is way over modern and smooth finish!

“I've created a desk drawer design before, and it received a lot of positive feedback. Building on that success, I've crafted a new version that features three separate drawers for organization! Attach it with double-sided tape or opt for drilling holes for a more permanent fixture. I'm open to hearing your ideas, so feel free to share them in the comments!” Took this idea from Godard Scientific. Around 500g of filament 12 Hour of print time needs M3 x 18mm Screws

4 Likes0 DownloadsJuly 1, 2024
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