Gayatri - Female Expression of the Light of the Sun
Gayatri represents the combined essence of wisdom from three Goddesses: Kali, Lakshmi, and Saraswati. This united wisdom manifested as Gaya, which means the Song of Wisdom, and Tri, which means the Three. Gayatri is a Goddess who represents a divine attitude: the incessant and relentless pursuit of wisdom. In Vedic literature, She is known as the female expression of the light of the Sun, the Light of Wisdom. She is revealed in the form of a mantra, called the Gayatri Mantra. The last line of the mantra “Dhiyo-Yo-Nah-Prachodayaat” is inscribed in Sanskrit at the base of the figurine. It roughly translates to ‘O God! Deploy our intellect on the right path’ Gayatri has ten hands. She carries the weapons of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva in her hands. She is depicted with Shankh (conch), Chakra (discus), lotus flowers, goad and the noose. Two of the hands of Goddess Gayatri are shown in Abhaya Mudra and Varada Mudra. Symbols of protection and blessing.
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