Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at
DescriptionThe VOID9 Macropad is a handwired 3x3 pad that uses a Pro Micro as a controller. Two versions for the top case are included, one of them is flat, the other has a 4mm fillet. There are two versions for the bottom case as well, a flat one, and a 5 degree angled version.
Handwiring guideI've put together a pretty visual handwiring guide for this macropad; the same principles would apply for larger projects, such as a VOID40.
Bill of materials4 x M3x10 allen head screws for the bottom/top corners (13mm overall length, 5.5mm diameter head) hot glue for securing the Pro Micro to the bottom case
STL mirror / QMK forkThe files are also hosted on Github, along with a QMK fork that contains a basic keymap and experimental VIA Configurator support. More info here
Updates14.04.2020 slightly increased outer wall thickness around the screw holes
16.03.2020 added a small inner fillet