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Welcome to Titan Forge! 
How are thangs?

Welcome to Titan Forge! How are thangs?

Titan Forge is thrilled to join Thangs and we are extremely happy to see you here!

Starting with an introduction is the right way to go. Titan Forge was founded because, back in 2010, Games Workshop released rules for some Warhammer miniatures they did not even sell yet. And we really wanted to play them without waiting! So, why not sculpt them ourselves?

The unexpected success soon resulted in many more minis and cool thematic armies like Pirate Ogres, Dinoriding Amazons, and Zomblins.

Our models were sculpted by hand and cast in molds, but now it is a song of the past. Around the pandemic we went digital and what an amazing ride it has been.

Thanks to the quality and remarkable character of our minis we soon became one of the leading studios, always trying to innovate and provide users with the best 3D printing experience. Did you know that not so long ago, you had to pay extra for the pre-supported versions of the models? We are proud to say that it ended with us. Cheers!

We have attended countless shows and are always happy to see you at SPIEL, UKGE, GenCon, and Adepticon. We've made official minis for acclaimed titles such as Warzone, EVE Online, and The Witcher.

We love what we do, and we hope it shows in our miniatures!

Today, we are opening our Memberships and starting to synchronize our vast collection with Thangs. You can expect 100 new fantasy, science fiction, and chibi models each month!

In the next posts, you can learn more about the Memeberships and about the Merchant Tier, which we are introducing for the first time ever, exlusively on Thangs!

Support us and get the best for your tabletop in return!

TF Team
