Osthold Rangers
0 downloads · 8 months ago · Brave warriors in action poses are ready to defend their city! Use this detailed minis to enhance yo
Brave warriors in action poses are ready to defend their city! Use this detailed minis to enhance your RPG tabletop battle scenes.These miniatures are a part of Chapter 27 - Siege of Osthold! Make sure to check out the entire bundle and enhance your STL collection with figurines of soldiers, men-at-arms, assault orcs, rangers, mini bases, and more. Embark on an epic adventure and survive this fantasy battle! Product contains:
- Osthold Ranger jumping over wall, wielding Spear- pre-supported 3d printable miniature
- Osthold Ranger hiding behind wall, wielding Spear- pre-supported 3d printable miniature
- Miniatures without supports
- 1 inch base x2