Austin T
Austin T

The Virtual Foundry Universal Calibration Rings

The Virtual Foundry
The Virtual Foundry
The Virtual Foundry
The Virtual Foundry
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The Virtual Foundry Universal Calibration Rings 3d model
The Virtual Foundry
The Virtual Foundry
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The Virtual Foundry Universal Calibration Rings 3d model
The Virtual Foundry Universal Calibration Rings 3d model
The Virtual Foundry Universal Calibration Rings 3d model
The Virtual Foundry Universal Calibration Rings 3d model
The Virtual Foundry Universal Calibration Rings 3d model
The Virtual Foundry Universal Calibration Rings 3d model

The Virtual Foundry Universal Calibration Rings

The Universal Calibration Rings model is a replacement for the Swirly Cone model from 2016.

Print the model and send in photos and we can tell you what is going on and how to fix any issues you may be having with Filamet™. It is also helpful to include the settings used for printing and the material you were using.

More information at

0 Likes0 DownloadsJanuary 18, 2024