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June Concept Art Preview

June Concept Art Preview

🐉Greetings Trappers 🦕

The weather's warming up and we are getting geared up for Summer! What better way then than to unleash two heat loving sets in June!

These two sets will becoming to our Patreon and Tribe in June!

Also don't forget our Painting Competition is getting close to the deadline, you can catch all the details of how to take part at the end of this post. It's open to all our fans or all skill levels; so come along and join in the fun!

Collectible Ferret Drake - Prehistoric Ferret Drake.

Taking inspiration from our Soldier Tier release, this cute dino-inspired Ferret Drake will be our backer exclusive model for June. Make sure you're signed up to any paid tier on Tribes/Patreon to get hold of this model only in June!

 June 2024, collectible ferret drake. - Prehistoric Ferret Drake. copy.jpg

Trapper Tier - Hell Heist

Yes we are heading into the hottest place there is! This is a set we've gone wild with the insane, twisted creatures of the underworld and there's a lot of really creepy creatures coming along with a bunch of brave Trappers.

Hell Heist - Azmoth, Hoarder of Souls

Experienced Trappers might get a feeling this dragon looks rather familiar to another we've released a while back. Four wings are pretty iconic when it comes to dragons!

June 2024, Hell Heist - Azmoth, Hoarder of Souls copy.jpg

Hell Heist - Woebringer

I really recommend checking out the full image for this one and seeing all the details of this dark model. It's one creepy hellish creation!

June 2024, Hell Heist - Woebringer copy.jpgHell Heist - Raphael Dante, The Demonologist

Not everything in June is a hell beast, we'll have characters heading deep into Hell on adventure next month as well, so meet our Demonologist, Raphael!

June 2024, Hell Heist - Raphael Dante, The Demonologist copy.jpg

Soldier Tier - Acolytes of the Primordials Pt. 1

A primal force of ancient saurians are on the march to war. Trees will topple and the jungles will thunder to their march! June will be our latest army, the Acolytes of the Primordials and we will be expanding the army over the next few months.

Just like our other armies this force will come complete with full stats for use in One Page Rules. In addition we'll be releasing full DnD compatible stats at the END of their release cycle. So stick around each month to get the whole set to use in your adventures as well as your wargames

Acolytes of the Primordials Pt. 1 - Balatok, Primoridal of War

Check out those floating gauntlets! This was a challenging model to create and we can't wait to get chance to show you what our sculptors have come up with!

June 2024, Acolytes of the Primordials Pt. 1 - Balatok, Primoridal of War copy.jpg

Acolytes of the Primordials Pt. 1 - Ceraph High Priest

Our line of Saurian models is going to expand a lot in June and here you can see one of the priests set to lead the Saurians into war. Ornate decoration on his crest really making this model stand out from the rest!

June 2024, Acolytes of the Primordials Pt. 1 - Ceraph High Priest copy.jpg

Acolytes of the Primordials Pt. 1 - Spinodon Siege Platform

Did we tame a Spinodon and strap a siege weapon onto it - you bet we did! And this isn't the only artillery carrying dinosaur in the army either! Check out the full selection of images for what we are strapping to the back of a Brutaceratops!

June 2024, Acolytes of the Primordials Pt. 1 - Spinodon Siege Platform copy.jpg

Painting Contest

Painting Contest Deadline Banner_May 2024.pngTime is ticking, don't forget to get your entries in before the deadline if you want to take part in this month's Painting Contest. We have resin from Ameralabs and Brushes from Chronicle Cards up for grabs!

To enter this months contest, all you have to do is paint one of our miniatures and post a clear photo of it in either the Facebook group, Discord server, or on Instagram by tagging @dragon_trappers_lodge AND using the hashtag #DTLPaintingContest in your post! Make sure you use the hashtag so we know it’s actually a submission (the exception to this is if you submit through the #painting-contest channel on Discord)!

  • You can enter any model we have released at any time. (this does not include cross promotion models from other creators).
  • The model can be printed at any size
  • You may enter one model per month.
  • You can do whatever you'd like for the bases and you may submit a diorama but you don't have to. Get as creative as possible!
  • If you win a prize you may not win a prize for the next two months!
  • In the event of any ties, The Dragon Trappers lodge will cast their vote(s) as the tie breaker.
  • The deadline for submission is the 27th of Each Month @ 23:59 MST.
  • Remember, each entry is for just one model.

⚔️ May Your Blades Stay Sharp And Your Flesh On Your Bones!️
