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Free Model Friday

Free Model Friday

Free Mini Friday - Crawler Drone

🎁Greetings Trappers!🐉

Free Mini Friday is here with a creepy crawly drone! This scuttling little fantasy insect is ready to come haunt the dark corners of your dungeons. Laying in wait for any unaware adventurer to turn the corner!

You can grab the model right now for free on our Thang's Store.

As always this model is totally free, but only for one week!


Painting Contest

Painting Contest Deadline Banner_May 2024.pngTime is ticking, don't forget to get your entries in before the deadline if you want to take part in this month's Painting Contest. We have resin from Ameralabs and Brushes from Chronicle Cards up for grabs!

To enter this months contest, all you have to do is paint one of our miniatures and post a clear photo of it in either the Facebook group, Discord server, or on Instagram by tagging @dragon_trappers_lodge AND using the hashtag #DTLPaintingContest in your post! Make sure you use the hashtag so we know it’s actually a submission (the exception to this is if you submit through the #painting-contest channel on Discord)!

  • You can enter any model we have released at any time. (this does not include cross promotion models from other creators).
  • The model can be printed at any size
  • You may enter one model per month.
  • You can do whatever you'd like for the bases and you may submit a diorama but you don't have to. Get as creative as possible!
  • If you win a prize you may not win a prize for the next two months!
  • In the event of any ties, The Dragon Trappers lodge will cast their vote(s) as the tie breaker.
  • The deadline for submission is the 27th of Each Month @ 23:59 MST.
  • Remember, each entry is for just one model.

⚔️ May Your Blades Stay Sharp And Your Flesh On Your Bones!️
