Spooky Vibes Bookmark
This super cute Spooky Vibes prints completely flat. No bumps or layers to get caught on your pages or add bulk. It prints at 1.5 mm thick, just enough to not bend but still thin enough to not interfere with your book closing.
VERY IMPORTANT: This file is a multicolor 3MF File. It requires a multicolor capable printer like a Bambu printer with AMS. The sample was printed on a Bambu A1 mini with AMS Lite. There is no stl available because this bookmark cannot be printed on a single color printer.
The file is set up to print face down. It will look reversed in a top down view in your slicer. If you use a standard pei textured build plate or a fancier textured build plate this will allow that decorative texture to show on the front of the bookmark. The bookmark is two sided but the reverse will be backwards.
Recommended Settings
Standard .2 mm profile set wall slicing to Arachne (optional but gives a cleaner look) ** Recommended filament**
Any plain, silk, or decorative pla
Extra Supplies
Purchased or crafted tassel or other decorative dangle.
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/