Anime Demon Horns for Headphones Cosplay
These cute demon horns easily attaches to any pair of headphones with a simple (12mm wide) velcro cable tie that you can cut to your liking. They add a unique factor to your live stream or while gaming.
They can also be easily attached to a wide headband for cosplay. They are lightweight and comfortable while attached to your headset. A wonderful gift for someone special on holidays, birthdays or as a gift for yourself.
-Integrated supports to get perfect results and are easy to remove!
Good quality velcro cable tie: I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases (at no extra cost to you)
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All my designs are protected by copyright. By downloading, you agree to use the files for personal purposes only. This means that you do NOT have the right to sell 3D prints of the digital files, including selling products made from molds.
If you want to sell my prints commercially and legally, please join my Patreon: The digital files (STL and other formats) may never be resold, shared, remixed or given away.
For best results print as follows: -0.2mm layer height -Arachne generator -2 wall loops -Sparse infill density 8% -Sparse infill pattern gyroid -I made it from Matte Sakura Pink PLA -No supports needed, already integrated! -STL files already correctly aligned! -Bambulab 3MF file only for paid Patreon members!