Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at
A set of two parts: a ring and token that can be interlocked with a garment in between, allowing them to hang on clothing and look awesome. Two types.
My brother printed a couple of circles to test clearance for another project and I stuck them through my shirt. There was a gap tight enough that it stayed and I thought it was a cool effect. I designed my own and it eventually morphed into a neat ring that reminded me of the famous Stark Reactor (or a Stargate, whichever you prefer). After a couple of tweaks, I printed the bulkier model and poured resin in the upper half, leaving a gap underneath big enough to still fit the token that allows hanging on a shirt.
Ring has 9 chevrons. Notice that the token with the debossed circle is larger and has one non-chamfered edge. I used that for a slightly harder line when pouring resin.
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