5.5oz cat food can portion guide
I have a lot of trouble eyeballing “pie slices” for my cats' canned food, so I made this guide to help me more accurately portion each can. Tabs for thirds, fifths, and sevenths are shaped differently (square, dome, triangle) and can also be painted for color-coding as well. I used standard hobby enamel paints, but nail polish or other acrylics would work too.
I printed mine in PLA plastic, with the tab side on the print bed. No supports, brim, or raft needed.
Fits most 5.5oz pet food cans; Solidworks file included if you need to make changes for your cans. Use Onshape's free version for easiest importing and editing. If you like my work and want to support me, please check out my online store, become a patron, or buy me a coffee. Thank you!
This model is licensed under a non-commercial license. You may not sell prints of it, or redistribute the original file in any way. If you remix it, you must give attribution and share it under the same license.