Wallie(var) - Advanced Lever Action Wallet
Consider following me on Instagram (@SMACKMAX_). I try to post all of my prints, renders, and animations to build a portfolio of my projects, often in advance of publishing the models. This way, you can get a sneak peek of what's coming next! https://www.instagram.com/smackmax_/
08-09-2024 added .gif file of installation proces, after that add M4 bolt to top! 05-09-2024 small text addition: Assembly: Start with bottom, place files, lever, arm and bumper where they should be, place top plate and insert 5x M3 Bolt, after you install top M4 bolt to adjust tension to your liking. Info: If you unsure how to place the lever file, you can check out my previous wallet here, it uses the same principle: https://www.printables.com/model/912325-wallie-lever-action-wallet
Here I present Wallie (var). Yes, I know... yet another wallet. Anyway, here I am building a little further on the Wallie platform while changing some of its core features. It adds and improves features, with 3 skins available right out of the box.
It sports the following changes:
The lever pivot was relocated for a longer draw length of the cards, drastically improving the presentation height.
Hardware changed to M3 Hex bolts (more widely available, easier to install) - (M3 Hex - total bolt system length 10.8 mm).
More techy style.
Updated lever design.
3 styles available, progressively more skeletonized.
Part of the Free Library (I think, because it’s based on the Wallie platform, it should go there).