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Bambu Lab mini

Remix Model
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Bambu Lab mini 3d model
Bambu Lab mini 3d model
Bambu Lab mini 3d model
Bambu Lab mini 3d model
70ย Likes86ย DownloadsJuly 9, 2023

This 3D model is a wonderfully intricate creation for your hobby and games collection. Designed by Skipper07, this is a miniature assembled version of the "Bambu Lab". The model is part of an engaging challenge testing the skills of 3D printing enthusiasts with keen eyes for precision.

The Mini Bambu Lab showcases an array of delicate and intricate design features. Its detailed construct highlights bamboo-structured components that are geometrical and astonishingly well-crafted. The images highlight the model rendered in different visibility theories and also in different materials like PLA and AMS, so you can choose to print it as per your preference.

The images compare and contrast the Mini Bambu with different orientations to show the design from all perspectives. You'll be able to see the front, back and side views as well as the image with the AMS material applied.

The Mini Bambu Lab is a tricky 3D print. The complexity and minute details of this model make it an attractive project for those wanting to enhance their 3D printing skills. The resulting print could potentially be utilized as a standout piece in your board game collection, presenting both aesthetic appeal and a sense of achievement.

Please make sure to follow the instructions provided by the designer for accurate and safe 3D printing Enjoy having this model as part of your collection. Happy printing!

70ย Likes86ย DownloadsJuly 9, 2023

70ย Likes86ย DownloadsJuly 9, 2023