4x2 multigrid Multiboard switch holder.stl
My first upload!
I made this because I could not find any Switch console wall mount system that used any modular system such as multiboard, Honeycomb or Gridfinity.
It's simple and it works. I'll add more to it later like maybe some cartridge slots or maybe some micro SD card slots. But for now, it just works.
I opted for the Multiboard mounting because a switch and the console weighs a bit and will cause most other systems to sag or fall off the mount. I plan to make more for HSW, grindfinity and if I find other systems I can probably adjust for those as well.
It's not an insanely snug fit, its just enough account for the hinges on the rear door so it's juuuuuust snug enough. The outer walls clear the side exits for the wiring but you CAN NOT mount your controllers. If you want to make enough clearance, go into your chosen slicer and cut the model just a bit off the top to meet your requirements.