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Hoberman Sphere 2.0


This week, I worked on an update to my 3D printable Hoberman Sphere.
The old version made heavy use of supports, with made it quite hard and unreliable to print. I did a complete rework to fix that.

Features of the new version:

1. Almost support free. :There is just one tiny support left on the connector. Even if that fails, it's still functional.

2. Easy to print: I did include presliced 3mf files that worked perfectly for me.

3. A small new version: Since I started fidget toys, I thought a fidget sized Hoberman Sphere would suit my style. You will be able to see that one in action on my social media tomorrow.

4. They all expand more: The old version didn't really expand that much. The new version doubles its size when you open it.

So the new fidget this week is a small Hoberman Sphere.

While I was already at it, I did also rework the Hoberman ring. It's now completely support free.

I would love to attach a picture, but my final print failed 3 times because I'm an idiot.... xD All of that will follow tomorrow if my printers are on my side. The files are already online, attached to the old model.

Thanks for your continuous support! I was a little worried, that after the hype of my Gear Ball many people would quit. Well, that happened, but there are still enough of you for me to continue to make great models for you.

I absolutely love doing this. I hope you don't mind if I miss Friday from time to time. It's not that easy to make something new every week. Sometimes my models require months of continuous work. But I'm still aiming for 1 new model every week, and I think I will be able to hold that.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ruven Bals
