Dragon HueForge Art
Inspired by the 50th anniversary of the original Dungeons & Dragons RPG, This stunning medieval style dragon is framed in gothic motifs and would make a beautiful art print for your dungeon. Created with Hueforge, this slim print can be achieved with AMS or MMU systems or manual filament swaps. Size
118mm x 200mm
***Allow for the print to cool almost completely before removing from the plate, warping may result from warm removal of the thin print.
Filament Color Swap Instructions: 0.0mm - 1.0mm = 0.2mm layer height (use height range modifier or variable layer height) 0.08mm layer height for the rest of the print. 100% Infill
0.0mm Black or Dark Green 1.24mm Dark Grey or Green 1.88mm Grey or Silver or light green 2.36mm Dark White or light grey/mint green 2.86mm white
Creative Commons License 4.0 BY-NC-ND A commercial license to sell these prints any many others is available by subscribing to my Thangs Commercial Partner membership plan.