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TD-4 from Star Wars Visions

Remix Model
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TD-4 from Star Wars Visions  3d model
TD-4 from Star Wars Visions  3d model
TD-4 from Star Wars Visions  3d model
TD-4 from Star Wars Visions  3d model
TD-4 from Star Wars Visions  3d model
TD-4 from Star Wars Visions  3d model
TD-4 from Star Wars Visions  3d model
TD-4 from Star Wars Visions  3d model
TD-4 from Star Wars Visions  3d model
TD-4 from Star Wars Visions  3d model
TD-4 from Star Wars Visions  3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
2 Likes4 DownloadsAugust 8, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at

Here's my version of TD-4 from Star Wars Visions Ep 8. I'd scale it around 300% for a size near what's shown in the show. There's two different head designs, one with the eye having layered disks to make painting the animated eye easy and one with a flat disk for the eye if you want a more accurate look. You'll need to print two of the foot part. You may need to sand the connection points to get them to fit snuggly together.

Post a make and check out my other models, -Jakob(ReProps)

2 Likes4 DownloadsAugust 8, 2023

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
2 Likes4 DownloadsAugust 8, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.