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Box Cutter Balisong

Remix Model
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Box Cutter Balisong 3d model
Box Cutter Balisong 3d model
Box Cutter Balisong 3d model
Box Cutter Balisong 3d model
Box Cutter Balisong 3d model
Box Cutter Balisong 3d model
Box Cutter Balisong 3d model
Box Cutter Balisong 3d model
Box Cutter Balisong 3d model
Box Cutter Balisong 3d model
Box Cutter Balisong 3d model
Box Cutter Balisong 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
1 Likes5 DownloadsAugust 8, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at

My box cutter recently broke so instead of buying an new one i deigned this. The handle parts are connected by 1.75 mm filament(the hole will need to be drilled out in both the handles and blade holder), which you can heat the ends of with a torch to keep in place. The blade can be held in with any 2mm diameter screw/bolt as long as the head isn't taller than the blade holder.

Butteryfly knives are illegal in Hawaii, New Mexico, South Carolina, and Washington and have restriction is Wisconsin, Utah, New York, and California, so obviously don't print this if your in those places.

1 Likes5 DownloadsAugust 8, 2023

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
1 Likes5 DownloadsAugust 8, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.