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This jumping spider, Saitis barbipes, shows off its red headband and red stripe down the third pair of its legs. (Image credit: Nicolas Reusens/Getty Images)
This jumping spider, Saitis barbipes, shows off its red headband and red stripe down the third pair of its legs. (Image credit: Nicolas Reusens/Getty Images)

Celebrate Arachnids! isn't World Spider Day or anything, like my current trend has been - but I don't think that matters because I've fallen in love with these little guys (and gals!).

Jumping spiders are among the arachnids that probably give most people the creepy crawlies. However, like a lot of people have been doing, I've come around to the deeper nature of this bunch of furry eight-legged wonders.

You might have seen the youtube or tiktok videos showing the incredibly curious nature of these little fuzzy beasts - and it's hard not to fall in love with them. I didn't realize a tiny little spider could have so much personality! Here is a video that's worth a watch:

Part of what endears these guys to humans I think, is their incredibly googly eyeballs, but that isn't just for show. They have some impressive eyesight! Unlike other types of spiders, they will actively hunt their prey, and even come up with a plan and execute on it. As a member of the homosapiens species, that's neat! They're determined to see patterns better than elephants can thanks to this incredible eyesight.

They are found worldwide (minus Antarctica), and prefer to be outdoors. However, if they find themselves inside, they will often hang out near doors or windows so they have a better chance of catching their prey, which is usually other smaller insect or spiders, but some catch flies that are the same size as themselves, earning them the nickname "fly tigers".

If you find yourself falling for these creative, curious, and cute creatures as much as I have, be sure to download, like, and follow me for more models and fun facts in the future! Thanks for reading!
