50mm Stackable, Multiboard Mountable Bottle Holder Humming Bird Cut Pattern
byOgrevikingthorpeOgrevikingthorpe50mm Stackable, Multiboard Mountable Bottle Holder Humming Bird Cut Pattern
1 downloads · 6 months ago · The right size for medicine bottles, this is a holder that you can stack high, lay vertically or mou
The right size for medicine bottles, this is a holder that you can stack high, lay vertically or mount to Multi-Board Pegboards using Multi-connect connector. It also includes mounting a keyhole to mount directly to the wall if you choose. If none of these appeal to you, simply place a dot of CA In the mating surfaces for a secure stack. I print with 5% in-fill.
Be careful. This is a highly detailed cut pattern. Depending upon your printer, if you print with supports, you may have difficulty removing supports and getting a clean image. I have best luck printing fine quality and slowly.