Dragon Jewelry Box V3 plus Plaque.
This is one of five jewelry boxes I've designed, each featuring a unique dragon. I’ll be uploading and making the entire series available in the coming days and weeks.
If you prefer CNC carving, you can also use the DRAGON_V3_LID.stl and DRAGON_V3_Plaque.stl file for that method. The Dragon Box is perfect for jewelry or any other small storage needs.
Box size with lid is approx 107mm x 107mm with a height of approx 63mm. Can print in resin. Scale to any size to suit your project.
Make anything look like wood... https://youtu.be/CIZZfzCVmLo?feature=shared
How to Add Wood Grain to 3D Printed Parts! https://youtu.be/1LbmafdpXQ8?si=6s_3YKJxGx96rtGQ
Add supports under the lid.
I typically print the base in PLA and the lid in resin for a smoother clearer finish.
Personal use only. NON Commercial.