This is an overkill industrial looking shelf bracket. It is designed for planks of 165 x 7 mm, in my case a piece of floorboard. The mounting hole screw hole size is 3.5mm, the screw driver access hole size is 6mm.
In case these sizes are not what you need I provided the SolidWorks file, feel free to customize it for personal use.
Printing notes: I printed them twice (Once mirrored in the slicer). For overkill strength (which I did) I recommend having wall thickness of 4, with a nozzle of 0.4mm, by doing this the braces are solid. Except for the intersections and the plank side mounts. Using this setting uses a lot of PLA tho ca. 100g per bracket. I'm pretty sure that one bracket could hold like at least 50kg. I couldn't get it to flex/bend.
33 Likes63 DownloadsJuly 29, 2023
33 Likes63 DownloadsJuly 29, 2023